Challenge: Landscape in a Found Poem with Enumeratio

A found poem is written using words, phrases, and/or sentences selected randomly from tweets, book titles, the poems of others, every fifth word in a newspaper article, or anything else imaginable.

If you use a list, or lists, in a poem, you are using enumeratio.

I found my words by randomly drawing them from a box of magnetized words meant to be displayed on one’s refrigerator to spur family creativity — though when a friend tried it, her children wrote nothing but derogatory sentences about one another. I bought my set at a thrift store for a quarter many years ago and had never used them until now. Most of what I say is true.

For my found poem, I added the title, conjunctions, introductory words, pronouns, and prepositions. I felt free to use other forms of the words I drew and didn’t attempt to use all of the 100 drawn.


The Landscape of Janet

I enjoy
foreign movies
black gum drops
and mountain meadows
swarmed by strong-
willed wildflowers

I believe in
hard work
too many shoes
showing my work
and doubling the garlic

I tend to
eat between meals
and think the
world will end
when I don’t sleep well

When alone
I eat cake for breakfast
scratch my head
sing in vibrato
and two-step

I hate to
polish my nails
run for planes
spit for the dentist
and shop.

I would never
pierce my nose
play hockey
have a pet turkey
buy used bowling shoes
or write another poem like this




32 thoughts on “Challenge: Landscape in a Found Poem with Enumeratio

  1. Ha Ha Ha 🙂 “I will never have a pet turkey”, “I hate to spit for the dentist”, “think the world with end/ when I don’t sleep well”, oh my gosh Janet I am in stitches, thank you.
    My words are still scattered on the kitchen table…yes I am attempting the impossible task at hand too. We are such gluten’s for punishment. Gotta go, my progress could get blown away at any minute by one of my boys just walking by to inspect this absurd sight and I am not starting over.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Great! I don’t know how you do so much quality work, Carrie, and raise children as well. When do you sleep? It’s almost past my bedtime, but I’m sitting here struggling with a sonnet for tomorrow. I have to have it ready to be posted before we leave on our weekend pleasure trip at 6:30. In the AM.I may be out of touch for a few days; I don’t know if our accommodations have wifi. So, good for us and congratulations! We did it.


      • Enjoy your trip! No one is holding this over your head…work on it on the trip, or don’t, post it next week, or don’t…you totally did it. Every day and that is so incredible. I am so happy you joined me. Just knowing you were tackling these challenges too gave me some real peace of mind.
        Sleep is very important to me, Janet. I don’t let anything get in the way of it. I work on my posts during moments when my boys are into something else and I love writing and editing photographs and taking them too! So, it is just part of my everyday, that is what makes me happiest.
        Also, we are not “busy”, I try to keep us un-busy as much as possible so there is time in the day for things like this.
        I will probably give myself an extra bit of time to complete the sonnet, I am afraid to start, never written one…a final challenge for sure! Have a great time on your trip!


      • I managed to get a rather light, frothy sonnet written, which I’ll post before we hit the road. Your comment reminds me of the old saying, “One finds time for what one really wants to do,” and I always manage to find time for my writing, as you do for your photography and writing. Thank you for being interested in me and my writing, for inviting me to go on this trip with you, and for making the voyage fun.


    • Hmm, you and Baudelaire may have something there, Martha. Still, I didn’t enjoy the madness I experienced wrestling with the found poem long after I should have been getting the good night’s rest that is so important to me!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Found poetry is my favorite- and you nailed it, with some whimsical insights…If you ceased writing poetry- it would be a great loss for the whirled- one day they will be treasures. Think I will try this style out. with Alice’s thoughts. Fine evening, janet.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I do so wish you would try a found poem and get inside Alice’s head and share her thoughts with me. Nothing would be better. We’re leaving for the weekend to see a niece’s new baby, so I might be out of touch for a few days; I don’t know if they have wifi. But you know me, I’ll be back lingering about in no time.


  3. I laughed as I read your poem. I wonder if the randomness of the “found” words is what makes it so fun. I had no doubt you’d meet the daily challenges even if it meant no sleep, cold cereal, fussing, and throwing unfolded clothes into your suitcase.


    • Absolutely, Mary, when I had a breakthrough and realized the humorous way I could combine some words —especially those with an element of truth — I had to giggle myself. You also described the last couple of days in my life, but this morning we leave to see my sister Barbara’s first grandchild. Fun!


  4. This random-word poem sparked lots of fun sentences.
    Finally, a use for those word sets that have never been used. Someone also once got us a set of blocks with words on them and I wasn’t sure what to do with them. Now I know!


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